Remote Learning and Education

Apple devices are easy to deploy, as they are to use.

Apple Education along with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, support key Apple services, like Google Drive and Microsoft Office. These can be easily accessed for teaching, learning and easily integrated into the school’s existing systems. Learn the basics

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Learning Devices

Apple devices such as the iPad and Mac are easy to deploy, use and can integrate seamlessly into the learning environment. The 13inch MacBook Air 10th generation is big on performance and light to carry. Every Mac comes with powerful appls for productivity and creativity built in.

Apple range


iPad Health

Apple devices are changing lives in healthcare. With Apple devices at the center of the patient experience, healthcare providers can engage, educate and entertain patients, transforming the patient bedside experience as we know it today. Using Jamf to remotely enroll, deploy and manage iPad and Apple TV devices enables patients: To interact with their caregivers via an iPad. Read details about their care plans on an iPad or Apple TV. Control their room environment from either an iPad or Apple TV. And, use apps for entertainment and patient care. Better healthcare is here and no one is more excited to help you improve your patient experience than us.

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